Aluminium Windows

Maximum style with minimal maintenance.

Aluminium window frames are a first choice for anyone looking for a solid frame that will endure all the elements for years to come. With their superior strength, aluminium window frames are so durable they won’t expand, crack or warp from exposure to the Aussie climate.

No matter what style or design you are looking for, there are so many options available in aluminium window frames, we can match these windows to any style of home in Adelaide.

New Aluminium Window Installation

Specialist Doors & Windows are an Adelaide based company who have a huge range of aluminium windows available for installation. Whatever your vision, there is an aluminium window frame design to accommodate.

Colours, textures and design options are endless. If you are building a new house or office and want a strong window to withstand anything nature can throw at it whilst being economical, we can show you the perfect aluminium window. From kitchens and bathrooms to bedrooms or outdoor entertaining areas, we have the window for you.

Aluminium Window Installation Quote

Aluminium Replacement Windows

Time for an upgrade or renovating? We can add value to your home by replacing existing windows with something that suits your style and vision quickly and easily.

Or maybe your current windows are damaged and worn enough that they require a replacement window.  This can often be a good opportunity to look at increasing security options or window durability, all available in Adelaide with the aluminium window options.

Aluminium Replacement Windows Quote

Remodelling & Renovations

Have you always wished your small kitchen window was a large window looking out onto the patio or backyard? Or that your windows opened up the house a bit more?

Our specialist carpenters can discuss your ideas with you and come up with the perfect remodel to incorporate all of the aspects that are important to you. Using aluminium window frames, you’ll get the superior strength and durability, with security options and the best window design choices in Adelaide.

Remodelling and Renovations Quote

Hinges, Handles and Locks

We have a huge range of handles, locks, bolts, hinges, and accessories available for every type of aluminium window in Adelaide. So, you can choose the hardware with the security and style that suits you.

Contact us to discuss things further or get a quote for whatever your window needs are. All our tradesmen are qualified carpenters as well as window specialists. So, rest easy knowing that all your installations and remodelling is done by professionals. With over 35 years of experience in Adelaide, we have the best advice, knowledge, and ability to save you money on your new aluminium windows.

Aluminium Window Hinges, Handles & Locks Quote